10 Pieces of Wisdom in 1 Minute

Brian Miller HUman Connection Magician

Written by Brian Miller

Brian Miller is a former magician turned author, speaker, and consultant on human connection. He works with organizations to create connected cultures where everyone feels heard, understood, and valued.

August 9, 2022

I drew a blank for this week’s blog, so I asked my assistant, “What should I write about?”

Shaque said, “Just a short piece of wisdom should be fine.”

Whew. No pressure.

Since I’m not a wisdom monkey on command, I decided to crack open 10 books at random and find one useful quote from the chapter I happened to land on.

Here there are, in no particular order:

“At some point life takes the training wheels off and forces you to create a story that is better than the restless boredom that comes by trusting fate.”

Hero on a Mission by Donald Miller

“The artist trusts the work and the audience enough to delight in bringing the tension to the boiling point before relieving it.”

The Icarus Deception by Seth Godin

“You care about a question when you know whose question it is.”

Reclaiming Conversation by Sherry Turkel

“Leaders with a finite mindset often confuse having a successful product with having a strong company.”

The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek

“First ideas are for the lazy.”

Storyworthy by Matthew Dicks

“Lucky people keep in touch with a much larger number of friends and colleagues than unlucky people, and time and time again, this network of friends helps promote opportunity in their lives.”

The Luck Factor by Richard Wiseman

“You attract other people’s attention by giving them yours.”

Influence is Your Superpower by Zoe Chance

“Teachers are losing the education war because our adolescents are distracted by the social world. Naturally, students don’t see it that way. It wasn’t their choice to get endless instruction on topics that don’t seem relevant to them.”

Social by Matthew D. Lieberman

“The professional, though he accepts money, does his work out of love.”

The War of Art by Steven Pressfield

“For me, creating magic is sometimes about locking a few ideas alone in a room in my head and waiting for them to start talking to each other.”

Beyond Secrets by Jay Sankey

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