How a Pair of Socks Changed the World

Brian Miller HUman Connection Magician

Written by Brian Miller

Brian Miller is a former magician turned author, speaker, and consultant on human connection. He works with organizations to create connected cultures where everyone feels heard, understood, and valued.

November 15, 2022

“When I was 10 or 11, I decided I was going to leave school, go into the mountains, start a guerilla movement and change everything. And the thing is, when you’re 10 and you want to start a revolution, people don’t take you seriously.”

Some ideas show up like a bolt of lightning. Other ideas take years to nurture and develop.

Occasionally, a world-changing idea is born out of a pair of socks.

That was the case for Ami Dar. As a 19-year-old serving in the Israeli army, Ami had an epiphany that wouldn’t just change his life, it would change the world.

Today he’s the founder and Executive Director of, one of the largest and most important non-profit websites.

In 2019, Ami took a train from New York City to meet me in Connecticut for a 2-hour deep dive conversation about his life, career, and socks.

To date, it’s one of the most-watched, highest-rated episodes in 5 seasons of my podcast.

Here’s a snippet of that conversation:

Then listen to the entire conversation on my podcast:

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