I Abandoned the Governor to Give a Powerful Gift

I abandoned the governor to give a powerful gift - Humann connection Blog Brian Miller
Brian Miller HUman Connection Magician

Written by Brian Miller

Brian Miller is a former magician turned author, speaker, and consultant on human connection. He works with organizations to create connected cultures where everyone feels heard, understood, and valued.

April 11, 2023

Description: This post shares a personal experience of meeting the Governor of Connecticut and choosing between vanity metrics and genuine connections with business leaders. If you’re an HR director, team leader, or executive who believes in a connected work culture, it’s time to prioritize building real relationships and to embrace a “connection or it didn’t happen” mindset.


I recently had the incredible opportunity to deliver the opening keynote at the Business Leaders Breakfast in Connecticut, hosted by the Granby-Simsbury Chamber of Commerce.

The closing keynote (the only other speaker) was the Governor of Connecticut, Ned Lamont.

It was a rousing group of 250 business leaders who were super engaged in my fast-paced, high energy presentation about message clarity, and equally engaged in Governor Lamont’s more deliberate presentation on recent developments.

After the event, the Governor started shaking hands and chatting with fans and constituents, eager to get their photo with him and ask follow-up questions related to their business.

I’m one of the folks waiting to take a photo with him. Obviously it would be great for my own social media and press to have a photo with the Governor at an event where we were the only two speakers.

But it was taking a while, and I didn’t want to cut the line when there were so many business owners with legitimate questions and concerns.

Meanwhile I look over at my table, where I have some books and business cards on display, and see a line of over 15 people waiting to talk to me.

I look back at the Governor.

And back at my table.

Do I wait to get a photo with the Governor, or abandon the line, miss my opportunity, and talk to the group waiting for me?

It wasn’t even a question. I walked over to the group waiting for me and thanked them profusely for their patience. Then I spent the next 75 minutes signing books, answering questions, laughing, and connecting.

This is the Real Choice in Business

If you’re in business today, you get this choice all the time. It’s the choice between pursuing vanity metrics and making real connections.

So many business owners, marketing directors, solopreneurs, experts, and leaders spend time and energy pursuing vanity metrics on social media: likes, subscribers, followers, etc.

When they could be spending that same time and energy reaching out, offering support, giving others the gift of human connection in a distracted, divisive, and lonely world.

It was a no-brainer to spend time making genuine connections with people who could someday become clients, or referral sources, or friends, instead of snapping a photo to prove to anonymous followers on social media that I met the Governor.

This week, pay attention to how you ‘show up’ as a business owner or community leader. Are you prioritizing vanity metrics or real connections?

It’s time to give up the “pics or it didn’t happen” culture.

Instead, let’s try “connection or it didn’t happen.”


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