Chasing Planes
Meet people where they're at.
If there's one lesson I've learned from being married to a therapist, it's this: Too often when someone isn't responding the way we'd hoped or imagined, we try to make up for it with an over-indulgent excitement.
"If I bring lots of energy, maybe some of it will transfer and I can bring them up to my level!"
Instead, more often than not, the plane takes off without them. And what do we do when a plane takes off without us? We definitely don't chase the plane down the tarmac.
We don't run after it. We're not stupid. We get annoyed, and then we start looking for a different plane.
Don't try to bring people up to your level if they're not ready. Meet them where they're at.
Take their hand. Go for a walk.
You might be surprised how far you can lead them.