Afraid of being judged?

Brian Miller HUman Connection Magician

Written by Brian Miller

Brian Miller is a former magician turned author, speaker, and consultant on human connection. He works with organizations to create connected cultures where everyone feels heard, understood, and valued.

October 8, 2018

“Is this any good?”

“Will people laugh at me?”

Putting creative work into the world is fraught with insecurity. You might be putting a song on Soundcloud, a drawing on Instagram, or a short film on YouTube.

Don’t think you’re an artist? Creative work is also cracking a joke to a stressed colleague in hopes of making them laugh, or when a teacher invents a game on the spot to help her students better understand a concept.

All creative work shares one trait: it might fail.

What have I done?

As a self-employed entertainer and speaker, my life has been a series of desperate “I hope you like this” moments. But this is perhaps the most nerve-wracking:

I wrote a book.

It took nearly 3 years of struggle and self-doubt, but I finally have something concrete to put into the world.

And I’m terrified.

Our fearful choice

I’m scared that you won’t like it. But worse, I’m scared that you will. Because if you like it, then I have a responsibility to live up to.

This is the choice we face when doing creative work, two different flavors of fear: Fear that it won’t work and I’ll have to face the fact that I wasn’t good enough (this time), and fear that it will work and I’ll have to prove I’m not a fraud.

Given the choice, I’ll take the latter every time.

Learn about the book here. We launch on November 4, 2018. Thank you for your support.

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Learn 7 foolproof ways to start a conversation in any situation - without looking like an idiot! No. 7 will blow your mind.

Soft skills are hard. We make it easy.

Learn 7 foolproof ways to start a conversation in any situation - without looking like an idiot! No. 7 will blow your mind.

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