BONUS - 6th Grade Basketball Team
So, that's me in the front row, second from the right. Look at that kid. He knows he shouldn't be an athlete. You can almost see me practicing card tricks in my head. Anyway, do you recognize anybody else in this photo? Take a good look before you scroll down...
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. . . That right there is Mr. Rob Gronkowski of the New England Patriots. Yes, I grew up and played basketball with Gronk, as he would eventually come to be known when he entered the NFL and started breaking every tight end record known to man. Of course back then I knew him as Robbie. A few FAQs: Was he an amazing basketball player? No. We were 11. He was slightly above average. Are you still in touch? No. We were only ever teammates, never friends outside of basketball, and I have made no attempt to reconnect after he became famous. Hope you enjoyed this bit of bonus content! ~Brian