"Wish I could do that..."
A few weeks ago after a presentation some folks were so engaged that they stuck around to continue the conversation about connecting and comfort zones for nearly an hour. So long, in fact, that the janitor was cleaning up around our feet.
My new friends bid adieu and left me in an empty theater, alone with my props, my thoughts, and the janitor.
As I started packing up on stage he called out to me from the third row:
“I was in the back of the room the whole time. You were great!”
“Oh,” I yelled back. “Thank you.”
The man looked about 40, but life had clearly thrown him some curveballs: permanently hunched he moved slowly through the aisles. Still, he had a calm joy about him. Smiling, almost whistling, while he swept, he called out again:
“Boy, it’s amazing what you do. I wish we could all do what we love for a living.”
For some reason I responded, “Who told you that you can’t?”
He stopped sweeping.
“What would you want to do, if you could do anything?” I asked.
“I’m a musician. I’d love to play music for a living.”
“Great,” I said. “Go do it!”
“Well, it’s hard work.”
“So is this.”
“You’re right… you’re right! Man, I’m gonna start playing out again. Maybe go do some open mic nights to get started.”
“I think that’s a great idea.”
I don’t have time.
Just the other day I was visiting family out-of-state for my grandfather’s surprise 80th birthday party (it was awesome). Late after the party my mom and I found ourselves at the hotel bar sharing a drink and catching up.
She said, “Brian, you’ve inspired me. You wrote a book. That’s amazing. I’ve always wanted to write a book.”
“Go do it!”
“Yeah, I know. But I don’t have the time.”
“Of course you do. We’ve been sitting here for an hour having a drink. You could have been writing.”
“You’re right! Oh my gosh. I’m gonna do it. I’m gonna write a book!”
Stop dreaming, start doing
It’s easy to wish we could do things. It’s also easy to make excuses why we can’t. And of course, wishing without committing is comfortable. But it’s not safe.
No, safety is found in the pursuit of action. In leaving our comfort zone, setting aside our excuses, and risking failure.
So, what project have you always wanted to take on? What goal have you watched others achieve while you sit on the sidelines? What dream goes unfulfilled every single day, taunting and teasing you?
Go do it.